How to Detox Your Scalp?

Detoxing scalp is probably not something you thought about. But it is very important for the health of your hair and scalp.

So, wondering how to do that? Why, using a scalp scrub of course! It is not the only way, but one of the best ways to do it. You can also use hair rinses with detoxifying ingredients to detox your scalp.

Most of us exfoliate our skin but somehow scalp doesn’t get the same care and attention. We all know skin is the largest organ in the body but we fail to register that scalp is an extension of our skin. The skull is hard and made of bones, not the scalp. We all think hard and strong when we think scalp, probably why the overlooking happens. As funny as it sounds when we think about it, we do it without deliberately thinking about doing it.

So, scalp is more often ignored because it doesn’t seem delicate probably and only gets attention when there’s a problem. It’s a good thing that there’s more awareness now and that’s why we’re here finding ways to care for our scalp. Isn’t it?

Why Exfoliate?

We’ve already established scalp needs care and attention. We don’t realize how much hair is helping with our looks and confidence until something happens turning the tables. Till then we think scalp is safe, tucked in and hidden by hair and we don’t spend time for it. But when scalp is ignored, dead cells begin to pile up, the hair products we use can leave residue and pile on top of it, pollution and atmospheric factors contribute to this further.

Unless we help cleanse and remove the build-up hair follicles are clogged, bringing about scores of issues. Do you know there’s something called scalp acne? Yes, it is very real and for those who get acne and pimples on your skin, you would do better avoiding it on your scalp! Dandruff is another scalp problem that comes with lack of care and cleanliness, or nourishment among other things.

Clogged hair follicles also mean nutrients aren’t absorbed and hair becomes weaker, dull and will start looking lifeless. Hair fall and hair thinning will become the norm and hair growth rate will reduce if not stop altogether! Exfoliation prevents scores of problems including the ones mentioned here. Motivated enough?

Scalp Exfoliation – How is it Done?

Using scalp scrubs is one way to exfoliate your scalp. There are different ingredients to choose from depending on your preference, requirement, scalp type, etc. With literally a long list of ingredients and options, there’s no shortage irrespective of your preference and tastes. Having that said, every scalp needs exfoliation – irrespective of whether or not there are scalp problems, irrespective of whether or not it is dry or oily, exfoliation is a must.


You can exfoliate your scalp twice a month, though depending on your scalp type and requirement it could be less or more.

It’s important to rinse off hair and scalp thoroughly after using a scrub or rinse and do the after care needed – conditioning or moisturizing.

Also, reducing the use of chemical-based hair products, styling or heat treatments and other harsh practices can help your hair and scalp health in the longer run. Try air-drying your hair where you can and use natural ingredients for your hair and scalp care. If you don’t have time for preparing your own hair and scalp care recipes, try Vitamins Argan Oil for Hair and Scalp Care Range of Products from their Premium Range. Everyone deserves to be pampered and if that gives our crowning glory a boost, why not!

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