How to Care for Oily Hair?

Oily hair is difficult to care for and maintain. It gets dirty very easily, looks limp and wispy and difficult to style. How to care for oily hair?

We have all heard of the proverb “The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side” and it is true, since for most part we all want what we don’t have! Those with oily hair feel they would do anything for their hair to feel normal or even dry, while the ones with dry hair feel they would kill for that extra helping of oil!

Hair Problems

So, what exactly should you do if you have oily or greasy hair? We have already explained oily hair in one of our previous posts. Basically, oily hair is often a reflection of oily scalp, where scalp secretes more sebum leaving your hair oily or greasy.

Another reason for oily hair could be because you have thin hair. Since the hair volume is low, the amount of oil secreted by the scalp can leave your hair greasy. Besides these, hormonal imbalance or even excess residue (product residue) can also cause oily hair. Irrespective of the reason, oily or greasy hair can be a real problem, especially for those with an active social life. So, what can you do to combat it?

Get Rid of Build-up

Numerous studies have shown that product buildup causes oily hair. Using a clarifying shampoo can clear up build-up. If you want to go the natural route, there are numerous options including Baking Soda to remove scalp build-up.

Don’t Shower Frequently

Hair washes are important for both hygiene and aesthetic purposes. However, showering more frequently will only be counterproductive – while it will look like your oil levels are down, frequent hair washing will stimulate oil secretion and you will end up with more oil! Washing hair 2 – 3 times a week is recommended for most.

Condition Right

Most of us need a conditioner, never doubt that! But, when you use a conditioner, make sure you stick with the strands and don’t go near your roots.

Conditioners or even detanglers for that matter are rich, often. So, if you use them, don’t use lavishly. If you are conditioning, just use where it is needed like the ends / tips. Or you can consider using a rinse out conditioner, instead of a leave-in one.

Consider Using a Toner

Shrinking your pores like you would for oily skin is a good idea. If you have oily skin, your scalp will be oily too. Using something to shrink your pores to regulate sebum production is a good idea. You could use Witch Hazel, Lemon Juice, ACV, etc.

Don’t Use Heat

While it looks like heat will combat oil, it is counterproductive. Excess heat will stimulate oil secretion. Don’t use excessive heat for styling. You can wash your hair with lukewarm water to counter oil, but don’t go for hot water.

Have you Tried Dry Shampoo?

Dry Shampoo is one option that would come in handy for greasy or oily hair, at least when you really need to look your best. Dry shampoo can absorb oil in a jiffy and you can brush out the dry shampoo from your scalp. Besides, it can make you look good and fresh, in no time!

Last but not the least, choose a conducive hairstyle where you wouldn’t need a lot of styling product to keep your hair in place. Choose easy hairstyle with less manipulation, so you stimulate oil production, or use excess products that will leave your hair greasy or oily.

Follow these simple tips to counter excess oil! We will add natural remedies to deal with oily or greasy hair soon. In the interim, check HY Vitamins Hair Care Range for your hair care requirements.

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