DIY Rhassoul Clay Wash

We saw a herbal mud wash recipe earlier. But here’s another mud wash recipe for those who want to go with clay only!

Many of us have probably wondered about natural ways to wash our hair. In India, it is very popular to use herbal hair wash powders. Sometimes it is a mixture of different ingredients, though even Green Gram Flour alone can be used for washing hair!

The ingredients vary and different people like different combinations of herbs and other ingredients for their herbal hair wash, including soap nut powder for those who love some foam to go with their washing. Clay isn’t too far off either, so let’s take a look at how to use clay for washing off hair.

Clay has always been one of my ingredients, but I did not try clay alone for a while. I was worried it will leave my hair dry, so combined herbal ingredients with it. So, my wash had more of herbs than clay and as such, couldn’t be called a clay wash.

After a lot of requests for a fully clay recipe, I decided to try out different combinations and see if it works. Here’s a recipe I liked and had good results with, will be adding more of these, of course ☺


Rhassoul Clay – ½ Cup
Bentonite Clay – 1 Tsp.
Aloe Vera Juice – as needed
Citriodora Oil – a few drops
Argan Oil – 2 Tsps.


Make a paste using the ingredients listed above and voila! Your clay wash is ready for use!

Why These Ingredients?

The clay is a tricky ingredient to balance for everyone. By using Aloe Juice, and ensure pH levels are balanced, with a dash of Argan Oil and EO for added fragrance we have a winning combination.

Rhassoul Clay with Bentonite makes for a perfect detox and cleansing combination in my experience. If you are sensitive you should reconsider Bentonite usage, reduce it to ½ Tsp.

Tips & Tweaks for the Recipe

When you want lump-free clay, introduce the Aloe Juice slowly to the clay mixture and stir as you go. This way, the lumps are less. I noticed using my fingers to remove any lumps when dry works even better when adding Aloe Juice.

The consistency should be a little runny than a facemask for easier application and maneuvering. However, the consistency and comfort varies with everyone. So go with what works best for you.

You can use your favorite Carrier Oil instead of Argan Oil or even infused oils.

You can use Rose Water, Glycerin, Hydrosols or a combination of hydrosol(s) and water too.

The EO is your choice of course, I like the fresh and citrusy aroma of Lemon Eucalyptus or Citriodora, though you can use any EO here.

How to Use the Wash?

Before hitting the shower detangle your hair. Wet your hair and apply the clay wash on your hair and scalp. Work your way slowly and get the clay into the sections and massage with your fingers. After apply everywhere, gently massage your scalp with your fingers to get rid of dirt and grime and get them off your scalp surface. Wash off.

Like all other recipes, feel free to modify the recipe to suit your needs. Feed us back with your results, tweaks and questions. Don’t have time for DIY recipes? Try HY Vitamins Argan-based hair and scalp care and styling products today.

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