DIY Coffee Oil ~ Without Heat

Every one of us has coffee at home. What if we can prepare a nourishing hair oil using coffee from the pantry?

Rich in antioxidants the aromatic and enticing coffee is a vice for many. It prevents cellulite, promotes better blood circulation, improve hair growth and whatnot. Want to know how you can prepare the oil and use it for your hair or skin?


Ground Coffee – 4 Tbsp.
Oil – 6 – 8 Tbsp.


Add the coffee grounds and cover it with oil.

Shake well and let it sit in a dry place for anywhere from a week to a month. It is a good idea to keep it in sun for a few hours during the day.

Shake every day.

After the oil is infused, filter and it is ready for use.

How to Use the Oil?

Just massage your scalp with this oil gently. Since the oil smells of coffee, you can use this as your daily oil and don’t need EO for added aroma. However, if you are using this as pre-shower treatment, let it sit for half hour at least before washing off.

Tips to Tweak the Recipe

You can use Coconut Oil or Olive Oil for the recipe, or any other carrier oil you prefer.

If you are using as daily oil, go with a lighter oil so it doesn’t weigh down your hair or look greasy – Sweet Almond Oil, Argan Oil, Apricot Oil, etc.

If you are using as pre-shower treatment, go with nourishing and strengthening oils like Cator Oil, Olive Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, etc.

Why Use this Oil?

It promotes better blood circulation in your scalp thereby increasing hair growth, fights hair fall and leaves your hair shiny and soft.

What are the Benefits of this Oil and Other Uses?

Like every other seed or nut, coffee has natural oils that are activated to released from the seed with heat. This essence or caffeol is a nourishing ingredient that’s used in a lot of skin and hair care products among other things.
Rich in antioxidants it reduces free radical inflicted damage and prevents it – fights hair fall, wrinkles, fine lines, etc.

It promotes better blood circulation – ideal to promote hair growth.

Tightens the skin – good to curb cellulite and fight dark circles.

It can also be used for aromatherapy or to clear blocked nasal passages.

It leaves your skin soft and shiny when used as a moisturizer.

To summarize, you can use this for your hair and skin for the above given benefits and more.

This method of preparing the coffee oil is called cold-infusion method. You can also prepare it using heat. Stay tuned for the recipe – we will be adding it in the coming days. Yes, while the cold infusion takes time, using heat fastens the process and makes the oil available quickly. If you don’t have time for DIY Recipes, try HY Vitamins for your hair and scalp care. As always, feel free to write back to us for any questions, queries or requests.

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