DIY Coffee Oil – Hot Infusion

So, we’ve seen how to prepare a nourishing and aromatic coffee oil at home. But many of you wanted to know the other method, so here it is.

We should probably call this month coffee month, considering a lot of recipes has coffee in them 😀 That aside, but we did not want to leave you hanging with the easier method – this one is easier and more practical especially since many don’t have the time, sun or their schedule isn’t suitable for exhaustive recipes. So, this method makes it easier for you and you get most of the benefits from the oil.


Roasted Coffee Beans – ¼ Cup
Oil – ½ Cup


Add the beans and oil to your crockpot or your slow cooker or a heavy-bottomed pan.

Set on medium-high for a few minutes or on low heat for a few hours.

Sit every now and then so you can check the doneness and also ensure there’s no burning.

Once done, remove from heat and let it cool down.

Filter and store in a glass jar.

Note – we use coffee beans instead of grounds here.


This is not exactly recommended for internal consumption since we won’t know how much we’re consuming and can overdose on the caffeine and whatnot.

If you are pregnant and plan to use on children, it is a good idea to consult your physician.

Make sure to do a patch test.

Since you are keeping on low – medium heat, it could take anywhere up to 8 hours. Just keep checking and remove from heat when the oil is sufficiently infused – a good brown colored oil.

How to Use the Oil?

Massage this oil on your scalp and let it sit for at least 25 minutes before rinsing off. Depending on the oil you use – lighter and non-greasy oil, you can also use this as your daily oil.

You can also use this on your skin for keeping your skin nourished, moisturized and younger looking.

Tips to Tweak the Recipe

My go-to oil for this recipe is Coconut Oil or Sesame Oil, though Olive Oil works too.

I prefer using Argan Oil or other oils for the other method without heat or just sunlight.

Pick the oils according to their availability and usage (like how much temperature they’ll withstand while heating, etc.).

You can also add Castor Oil to the recipe, but it is dense – so combine it with other oils.

Shelf Life

This oil lasts longer though I would recommend preparing fresher batches every two weeks or so. This keeps the oil fresh and smelling good – the smell tends to fade away and as it is, the heating method doesn’t give you oil that will smell strongly of coffee due to the heating time involved.

As always, feel free to tweak the recipe and keep us posted with your successful tweaks and tries. Write back to us for any questions, comments, requests or feedback. Don’t have time for DIY Recipes? We have you covered with HY Vitamins Hair Care Range comprised of Premium Argan-Oil based products.

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